Duke Security Systems, Peterborough, Physical Security Company in Peterborough

Enhance Security with Professional CCTV Installation

Protect your property and stay secure with professional CCTV installation. Our services provide high-quality surveillance coverage to give you peace of mind and assurance that your belongings are safe from intruders and thieves. Get maximum security today with our reliable and efficient service!

Understand Your Surveillance Needs.

Before investing in professional CCTV installation, it is important to assess your security needs and decide what type of surveillance system will work for you. Determine where you want the cameras placed around your property and how many are required for maximum coverage. Consider the cost associated with buying and installing the cameras as well as maintenance costs in order to get a better understanding of which option works best for you.

Pre-Installation Site Survey & Planning.

We take time to look at the existing site and establish your specific requirements before starting any installation. This includes inspecting which areas need surveillance, conducting test drives of the camera angles and locations, assessing Obstacle & Interference levels, light grading analysis, bringing to you our professional CCTV installation advice.

Professional CCTV Installation & Testing.

Our team of CCTV experts are Passionate about security and proficient in professional CCTV Installation to make sure that each installation is optimised, high quality, and suitable for all your needs. Our testing processes follow the installation and we can evaluate your system’s functionality before handing over the completed project. All our projects are custom-tailored according to the customer’s specifications. We ensure our customers understand how their new advanced CCTV System works with a comprehensive demonstration during the handover process.

Configure Your System's Settings & Features.

Once your CCTV system is installed, our teams can provide you with recommendations on how to configure the settings so that they meet your exact requirements. We will also explain to you the different features and functions of the system, such as motion tracking, real-time recording, video playback, and remote access so that you can make the most of your security system.

Post-Installation Monitoring & Maintenance Services

To ensure your CCTV system runs smoothly and to its full potential, we offer post-installation monitoring and maintenance services. These services include regular check-ups, tests, and updates of your system to make sure it is functioning properly and all components are in good condition. Our teams can also provide advice and recommendations on new technology that could increase the level of security coverage even further.

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